Duisburg hall of fame

Legal graffiti wall in Duisburg, Germany


Ist eine Unterführung und vom Bürgermeister freigegeben! it's a tunnel for walker and legalized by the major! HAVE FUN

i been there last week , it's a nice tunnel , still standing so i confirm its still there . There where 2 people painting and i did also my thing ! easy to find , i came from holland

Still. Were there and the police cruised around, but they didn't say anything .

It is safe but very much public traffic...

Immer noch legal. Perfekt bei Regen.Teils überdacht und gut beleuchtet. Einziges Manko ,Bilder egal wie Aufwendig bleiben nicht lange stehen .Teils schon am nächsten Tag gecrosst oder übermalt.

Is this wall still safe to paint?