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addedover 15 years ago
Very big wall. The Meeting of styles is held up in this location every summer. There is also a store to buy cans (they are about 3.50€) and something to eat. For pictures visit:
confirmationover 15 years ago
the large walls can only be done at meeting of styles, other semi-sized walls are done regularly by locals as well as visitors, which are welcome at any time during the year. Please, do not litter and don't bomb around in the neighbourhood, because otherwise the neighbours give hell to the locals.
confirmationalmost 13 years ago
Jimdo link does not exist. This is the correct link:
confirmationalmost 10 years ago
Many Pictures you can find on Search for "Kastel". Two examples you can find here and here
confirmationabout 8 years ago
Confirmed by
confirmationover 5 years ago
Only the small underpass under the tracks is free to paint. The big walls only get painted during the Meeting of Styles.
Is this wall still safe to paint?