A bridge wall next to the Hospital

Legal graffiti wall in Tallinn, Estonia


Found out about this place from the local graffiti store which is based nearby. Really cool spot. The wall is one side of the bridge. Tallness of it starts from 2m and goes up to about 5m. The surface is smooth. There is no super serious pieces and that's good for having practice there.

Completely legal wall, Good for practice because there arent that much pieces there.

a really nice wall. you know you're there when you see those green can signs on the bridge.

Viadukti SPOT. One of the officially legal graffiti walls in Tallinn confirmed by the local municipalities. google.com/maps/place/Graffiti+legal+wall+%22Viadukti+SPOT%22/@59.4185368,24.6646044,13z/data=!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sviadukti+spot!3m6!1s0x4692954040c6d609:0x9cebd4e44cb016d3!8m2!3d59.4185368!4d24.7408221!15sCg12aWFkdWt0aSBzcG90kgESdG91cmlzdF9hdHRyYWN0aW9u4AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11jzkx078m?entry=ttu

Is this wall still safe to paint?