All graffiti spots in this legal wall directory are contributed by users. Information you find here may be incorrect or outdated. Always verify the legality of graffiti walls with local authorities before painting. We do not take responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. Also refer to our Terms of service & privacy policy
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addedover 3 years ago
It is a the side of ths bridge that crosses the tracks. It is curved but the concrete is very good to paint on. The wall is next to a "Wasserrückhaltebecken" so there is a fence maybe 2 meters away from the wall. as a result it is hard to take photos and it is not possible to step back to get a better overview. Also there are many pedestrians passing by. The S-Bahn station Ratingen Ost is directly next to it. There are enough Trash bins so there is no need to leave your empty cans
confirmationover 3 years ago
Seit dem 03.07.2021 Legalisiert. Immer entspannt dort zu malen. Dosen kann man auch dort in die vorhanden Mülleimer entsorgen.
confirmationabout 3 years ago
entspannter Spot. Allerdings nicht viel Platz.
confirmationabout 3 years ago
Ist entspannt zu sprayen, nur wenig Menschen Verkehr beim malen.
confirmationover 2 years ago
Legal, with a sign that confirms this location
confirmationover 2 years ago
Legal wall. Official! You can paint there but please don’t leave your garbage there. In case if the place will ruined by empty cans and garbage maybe the walls will be not legal anymore.
confirmationabout 2 years ago
Was there yesterday. Nice Location and Safe to paint.
confirmationover 1 year ago
still there
Is this wall still safe to paint?